Oration on Child Protection by the Head of Batam City Children Forum

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. How are you all my friends?

I hope you are in good health and protected from all diseases. Before speaking further, there is a saying “you won’t love who you don’t know”, so let me introduce myself first. My name is Yudi, from Batam City Children’s Forum, and I am studying in SMK. Here, Yudi wants to give a speech about the Pornography Crisis for children in Batam.

The increase in cases of child pornography in Batam is an emergency. From 2020 to 2021, it is dominated by sexual violence against children. We can see this data in the Riau Islands Police and the Regional Child Protection Commission. Previously, we at the Children’s Forum have made efforts to anticipate cases of violence and pornography. For the task of the Children’s Forum is prevention, by having 2 roles, namely pioneer and reporter. Children’s participation in the development period is also as ‘time to know’, which aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of Indonesian children, especially children in the city of Batam, Riau Islands, regarding issues in their environment.

We have heard a lot of news of cases of sexual violence and pornography through social media (WhatsApp Groups) in the city of Batam and how urgent the problem is. With this problem in the city of Batam, we are very concerned about children who fall into things like that and situations that could increase the risks for that to happen. Maybe because of the economic, educational, cultural, and social aspects of the child which is not controlled by his parents.

Sometimes parents and society forget that children also want their voices to be heard to express the opinions they want. Maybe he or she wants to get more love so they could get safe protection, and so on.

Therefore, for fathers, mothers, and friends, let’s educate more about the problem of sexual violence to children, the negative impacts if they do it, and teach small points, such as close relatives or other people should not be able to touch their bodies, and so on. These things can help reduce cases of pornography.

The Children’s Forum has tried to prevent the problem using acts such as visiting schools before the pandemic period to teach the negative impacts of us being promiscuous and the like. Then during the pandemic, we make campaign posters and also conduct webinars to promote awareness for the public.

Well, friends, today is also Kartini Day. We know that Kartini is a great woman and should be followed by all children of the nation. Therefore, for the great women, let’s continue to speak up and express your opinions. There is nothing to lose if you express your opinion, because the opinions that come from us will also be felt by us.

Friends, that’s enough explanation from Yudi, and thank you for the time and opportunity that has been given to Yudi. If there are shortcomings or wrong words that are not pleasing to the heart, I apologize. We are in the learning process. May the children of Indonesia be free from all forms of violence, ranging from violence to parents, sexual abuse, and child trafficking. Protect Indonesian children from the negative influence of cyberspace. Yudi also wants to wish Happy Kartini Day to the great women. Keep thriving! Because women are very strong human beings. After darkness, light is born, that’s all from Yudi. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


(expressed online at the Campaign and Declaration on the Children and Women Protection in Nongsa District on April 21, 2021)

Orator: Yudi Yansyah (16 years old)
Editor: Lina Yanti
Proofreader: Mellysa Anastasya
Translator: Clarissa Magdalena

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