Oration on Child Protection by the Vice Leader of Sambau Village Children Forum

Assalamualaikum wr,wb. Hopefully we are all in good health..

Hello friends, my name is Rindiani Syahfitri. I am studying at SMKN 2 Batam City. Violence is a crime that must be eradicated. This crime seems to have become a culture lately. Like the violence that recently occurred in Nongsa District. The case of a child abuse in Nongsa carried out by a 33-year-old suspect on May 6, 2020. I myself cannot understand the acts of a refilling water businessman, who is now being investigated by members of the Nongsa Police, who could have the heart to molest an elementary school student who is none other than his son’s friend.

Ladies and Gentlemen and friends,

We are all aware that the issue of violence against children often gets minimal attention. Because children are still objects belonging to parents, where their rights are forgotten, such as the rights of children to grow, live, develop, and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity; of course to get protection from violence and discrimination. Children’s rights are part of human rights that must be guaranteed, protected, and fulfilled by their parents, their families, society, government, and the state. And for that purpose, the Indonesian government has signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990 and has ratified the Law on Child Protection No. 23 of 2002, which includes the civil rights of children.

Ladies and Gentlemen and friends,

As a result of violence against children, children get physical and psychological effects. Some children become negative and aggressive and easily frustrated, others become very passive and apathetic. From this case, I draw the conclusion that the perpetrators of violence or sexual harassment are the people closest to the victims. It could be from the family environment, society, even biological parents. Not only that, in early 2021 there were also cases of pornography committed by unscrupulous photographers and it was known that the victims were minors to adults. With the mode of making the victim a model, the suspect, RS, took his victim to a hotel and committed immoral acts. It should also be noted that violence against children has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research shows that the majority of acts of violence against children occur in families with low socioeconomic conditions. Socio-economic pressures such as being in debt and low economic ability become the source of stress for the parents. This condition of parents has a negative impact on their children. Children are the nation’s assets that must be guarded and protected. In the future, we hope that all Indonesian children’s rights to grow and develop, as well as get protection from all forms of violence, exploitation and discrimination are fulfilled. Children must be prepared from an early age so that they will become human capital with strong character, mastering science and technology, superior, competitive, and become agents of change in the future.

Therefore, let us join hands together to stop violence and protect Indonesian children, as Kartini has done. Raden Ajeng Kartini reminds us all that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. Indonesian children, come on, let’s say “Stop Violence!” and Happy Kartini Day.

(expressed online at the Campaign and Declaration on the Children and Women Protection in Nongsa District on April 21, 2021)

Orator: Rindiani Syahfitri (18 years)
Editor: Lina Yanti
Proofreader: Mellysa Anastasya
Translator: Clarissa Magdalena

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