The Rise of Violence Against Children during Pandemic

Do you know how many types of violence against children there are? According to the Central Office for the Integrated Services for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, there are 5 types of violence against children[1], namely:

  1. Physical violence: hitting, slapping, kicking, and so on.
  2. Emotional violence: violence in the form of words that scare, threaten, insult, berate, and curse harshly and loudly.
  3. Sexual violence: pornography, pornographic words, sexual abuse of children.
  4. Neglect and abandonment: all forms of negligence that violate children’s rights to receive nutrition and education.
  5. Economic violence (Exploitation): employing minors with economic motives, child prostitution.

During the pandemic, cases of violence against children have increased. Violence can actually be done by anyone. However, during a pandemic, most of the perpetrators of violence are carried out by people at home. The age of children as victims of violence dominates data from the Online Information System of Women and Children Protection (SIMFONI PPA). In addition, home is the location of the occurrence of violence with the highest probability when compared to schools, workplaces, and others[2]. Based on the SIMFONI PPA data from January to June 2021, there were 3,122 cases of violence against children[3].

In 2021, SIMFONI PPA summarized data that showed parents occupy the third highest position as perpetrators of violence against children with as many as 741 perpetrators. As you know, since COVID-19 cases have risen, the government has implemented Distance Learning (PJJ) policy which has an impact on children carrying out school activities at home and under parental supervision. The difficulty of making money during a pandemic plus other supporting factors triggers parental stress. From this stress, parents tend to channel their frustration towards their children, and can even commit violence against their own children.

In your opinion, what is the condition of children who have experienced violence? Are they living in good condition? Certainly not. There are many effects of violence on victims. Children who are victims are prone to have depression, have difficulty trusting others, and low self-esteem caused by fears that they will do something wrong and they will experience violence again. In this case, parents have a very important role. Parents are the home for children. If, at any time your children experience violence by anyone, please never stop encouraging them, never let go of their hand when they are down, and help them through dark times.

Maybe you are wondering, what is the role of the government in cases of violence against children? The government has continued to try to reduce the level of violence against children and women. Starting from conducting socialization, providing free services from the Technical Implementation Unit of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (UPT P2TP2A)[4], making Law Number 35 of 2014[5] regarding Child Protection,

to collaborating with Polda Metro Jaya in dealing with victims of violence.

The rise of cases of violence against children during the pandemic makes children dread seeing the outside world. A child who is abused needs a safe place to take shelter, someone who can support her/him when she/he falls, and to help her/him out of the dark shadow. There are many things that parents can do to prevent violence against children, one example is to provide children with knowledge about how to protect themselves. No matter how small the things we do to help the victims, no matter how small the efforts we can make to stop this case, they will produce enormous changes in the future.

Author: Miftakhul Janah (Staf Magang Rumah Faye)
Editor: Rheka Rizqiah Ramadhani & Mellysa Anastasya
Translator: Clarissa Cita Magdalena


[1] Reno Mardina, “Kekerasan Terhadap Anak dan Remaja”,  Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 18 Desember 2018, hlm. 3.






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